I know the difference a union makes
As the son of a union machinist, I know the difference a union makes in delivering fair wages, strong workplace protections, and the dignity that every worker deserves. Unions don't just build better paychecks — they build stronger families and a fairer economy.
Recently, I joined my colleagues in reintroducing the PRO Act, bipartisan legislation that protects and strengthens the rights of workers in Oregon and nationwide to stand together and bargain for fairer wages, better benefits, and safer workplaces.
Workers across the nation are under attack by Trump and the billionaire-backed corporations he caters to. They're trying to slash wages, gut protections, and union bust. Passing the PRO Act would give power to America's workers to improve their working conditions with better pay, benefits, and safety through collectively bargaining for a better deal.
Unions built the middle class, and they are the backbone of an economy that rewards and lifts up hard-working people. I will never stop fighting for working families and ensuring they have every opportunity to succeed.