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What an incredible month it’s been

What an incredible month it's been. I'm ready to hit the ground running, engage voters, and help Democrats up and down the ballot win big in November, and I know you are, too.

We're building a grassroots movement that starts with people like you{{if FirstName}}, {{FirstName}}.{{else}}.{{end}} Will you join us by making a contribution of ${{get('ask')}} before our August end-of-month deadline?

Over the past few years, we've seen what Democrats can accomplish when we work together and win a trifecta in the White House, Senate, and House as we had from 2020-22. That's when we passed groundbreaking legislation like the CHIPS Act, which is returning semiconductor manufacturing to the US, and the Inflation Reduction Act to transform our economy and tackle the climate crisis. The 2024 election offers us the opportunity to win back the Democratic House Majority while holding the Democratic Senate Majority and the White House.

Democrats are focused on the issues that matter most to everyday people and delivering solutions. Oregonians have reaped the benefits of Democratic policies, including over $35 million to support salmon recovery efforts in Oregon, $7.8 million in investments in Oregon schools to upgrade energy infrastructure, $840,000 so Oregon ranchers can improve conservation practices, and more.

We have more work to do, and with our grassroots energy, we can move our country forward. We're not going back to the MAGA dark ages.

We can restore abortion rights, build more housing, lower the cost of living, and continue to fight climate change. But we need your support to get it done.

So, before the day ends, will you make a donation to supercharge our progressive, grassroots movement?

Donate Now



Posted on August 30, 2024.

Born in the small town of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, Jeff Merkley has never lost touch with his working class roots.

As a U.S. Senator, he works every day to create opportunity for working families, stop the corruption of our democracy, and tackle the climate crisis.

A workhorse and a progressive champion, Jeff Merkley is leading a movement to get our country back on track.

Meet Jeff

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