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Trump is unhinged

Trump is unhinged.

He spent earlier this week promoting QAnon and calling for military tribunals for his political enemies with a spotlight on Barack Obama.

We can't let this would-be dictator win.

He was scary and damaging the first time around. He could destroy our democracy if he regains the Oval Office.

If you've been on the sidelines hoping everyone else will save us, I have news for you: Democracy is a team sport, and we need everyone in the game now.

It is time to do your part. Get out of your comfy chair. Get off the sidelines. Volunteer. Write a bigger check than you have ever given.

Don't grumble. Act!

Don't despair. Act!

OK, grumble and despair a little. But then get over it, and act.

If you're ready to get in the game, use this link to donate directly to Kamala Harris and Tim Walz's campaign.

In addition, use this second link to donate to the key Senate races across the country through my PAC, The Blue Wave Project. We have to win 8 out of 8 swing seats just to hold a bare 50-seat majority – and we desperately need that majority to confirm Kamala's cabinet and back her policies to build a better nation.

Everything we care about is on the line. If you can go the extra mile today, please give to both links above!

Bless you, and I will see you down the road — at the victory line!


Posted on August 29, 2024.

Born in the small town of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, Jeff Merkley has never lost touch with his working class roots.

As a U.S. Senator, he works every day to create opportunity for working families, stop the corruption of our democracy, and tackle the climate crisis.

A workhorse and a progressive champion, Jeff Merkley is leading a movement to get our country back on track.

Meet Jeff

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