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Extra Day

2024 is a leap year, and that means this year has an extra day—today.

That gives us one extra day to map out our plan of attack against the MAGA forces that have set their sights on taking over our country and decimating our democracy in November.

Here's how we'll stop them in their tracks:

  1. We win the presidency and re-elect Joe Biden for four more years
  2. We take back the House by winning in the many competitive races across the country
  3. We double down, hold the Democratic Senate Majority, and expand our majority

All of these are incredibly important, but the third step is what I'm particularly focused on with The Blue Wave Project, which allows me to help support Senate races across the country. That's why I'm coming to you directly.

Can I count on you to help us hold and expand the Democratic Senate Majority by pitching in today?

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We have no time to waste if we're going to succeed this November in beating the MAGA forces fighting against progress. It's time for us to put the pedal to the metal to save the Senate Democratic Majority from Mitch McConnell and the MAGA Republicans.

To do that, we need to win 7 out of 7 competitive Senate races – including some incredibly difficult ones in states like Montana, Ohio, and Arizona and purple states like Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – and then expand the Democratic Senate map to places like Texas and Florida, too.

If we're able to win all NINE of the Senate races above, our Senate Democratic Majority will be in great shape going into 2025, and we'll be able to make progress on so many issues like defending reproductive rights, expanding voting rights, fighting climate change, and more!

Today, I'm asking you to pitch in to The Blue Wave Project and help us expand the Senate map – along with helping Democrats win the seven must-win races in Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Michigan.



Posted on February 29, 2024.

Born in the small town of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, Jeff Merkley has never lost touch with his working class roots.

As a U.S. Senator, he works every day to create opportunity for working families, stop the corruption of our democracy, and tackle the climate crisis.

A workhorse and a progressive champion, Jeff Merkley is leading a movement to get our country back on track.

Meet Jeff

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