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The Democratic incumbents leading the charge

Defending the Senate Majority requires rallying our grassroots movement to win every single one of the following races: Montana, Ohio, Arizona (These races belong in the extremely challenging category!) and Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan (All in the pure purple category). Plus, we have 16 races in Blue states to win.

We've got some tough fights ahead! Polls are tight, and dark money is flooding into right-wing disinformation campaigns. But we win by tackling the challenge head on. And in our favor, we have awesome incumbent candidates in five of the top battleground states. The Democratic "Incumbent Incredibles" leading the charge are Jon Tester in Montana, Sherrod Brown in Ohio, Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin, Jacky Rosen in Nevada, and Bob Casey in Pennsylvania.

Our incumbents could use some help as we close the books in 2023. Can you make a donation to The Blue Wave Project to help save the Senate and supercharge our fantastic incumbents across the country?

We are in a battle for the future of our country. So much is at stake – our jobs, schools, health care, and the future of our planet. The privileged and powerful have rigged our politics and our economy for their own benefit, and MAGA Republicans are working to subvert our democracy.

We need a massive blue wave to overcome their money, their lobbyists, their voter suppression, and their gerrymandering.

The Blue Wave Project is our grassroots effort to elect leaders who truly represent our values, and my focus is on saving the Senate Majority in 2024.

If we want to take our country back from MAGA extremists, we have to channel our strength and resilience into building a grassroots team to create a powerful blue wave.

Join me today by making a donation of $3 to The Blue Wave Project, and together, we can power our grassroots movement to victory in 2024.



Posted on December 8, 2023.

Born in the small town of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, Jeff Merkley has never lost touch with his working class roots.

As a U.S. Senator, he works every day to create opportunity for working families, stop the corruption of our democracy, and tackle the climate crisis.

A workhorse and a progressive champion, Jeff Merkley is leading a movement to get our country back on track.

Meet Jeff

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