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MAGA Republicans are working overtime creating disruptions instead of working for the American people

MAGA Republicans are working overtime creating disruptions instead of working for the American people.

The last few weeks have been jam-packed with examples of how out-of-touch and dysfunctional Republicans are:

We've witnessed two presidential debates featuring shouting matches as candidates fight over whose plans for our country are the most extreme;

Their shenanigans almost shut down the government, and then MAGA Republicans threw the House into chaos by ousting the Speaker for the first time in history;

Meanwhile, the MAGA-led House is perpetrating an aimless sham-impeachment inquiry against President Biden.

Americans need a government that works for them, and Republicans are showing they can't deliver. These MAGA extremists prefer infighting over governing.

They're not taking anything seriously, and we need to use our grassroots power to ensure they're out of power in 2024.

It's time to put a stop to it. Can you contribute $3 now and join the movement to put Democrats back in charge so we can get back to work for the American people?



Posted on October 7, 2023.

Born in the small town of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, Jeff Merkley has never lost touch with his working class roots.

As a U.S. Senator, he works every day to create opportunity for working families, stop the corruption of our democracy, and tackle the climate crisis.

A workhorse and a progressive champion, Jeff Merkley is leading a movement to get our country back on track.

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