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Your vote is your voice

Today is National Voter Registration Day!

Your vote is your voice. One of the most important actions you can take right now to bring change to our country is to check your voter registration or register to vote if you're not already.

You can check your voter registration status here.

Voting is the bedrock of our democracy. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop MAGA Republicans and other right-wing groups from putting up barricades between you and the ballot box.

Many states have already passed partisan bills to disenfranchise targeted communities from voting. Billionaires continue to buy our elections with dark money. And as we speak, Republican state officials are laying out their extremist agendas to seize power by rigging the new round of legislative redistricting to deny Americans fair and equal representation.

When barriers to voting single out specific groups of Americans—Black Americans, Native Americans, young voters, and college students—it's pure partisan manipulation, and it corrupts elections. It's absolutely wrong. Voting is the heart of our democracy, and everyone deserves the same chance to cast a ballot and know their vote counts.

It's up to us to make a change and vote for people who will protect the integrity of our elections. By registering and voting, we have the power to use our voices to determine what direction our country heads in the future.

On this Voter Registration Day, I'm asking you to check your registration status and ensure that you and your household are all registered for the upcoming elections.



Posted on September 19, 2023.

Born in the small town of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, Jeff Merkley has never lost touch with his working class roots.

As a U.S. Senator, he works every day to create opportunity for working families, stop the corruption of our democracy, and tackle the climate crisis.

A workhorse and a progressive champion, Jeff Merkley is leading a movement to get our country back on track.

Meet Jeff

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